Looking back on a failed podcast

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In this episode Matt and Craig look back at the first iteration of Castos’ podcast.

Questions that we (and you if you’ve ever ‘podfaded’) are asking ourselves are: 

  • Why did the podcast not stick the first time?
  • What are we doing differently this time around? 
  • The new Audience podcast is resonating with our listeners a lot…why is that? 
  • Are there system or process things we can do to make running the podcast easier and more sustainable for the long run? 

Once you have solid answers to these questions a few patterns typically start to emerge about why some podcasts are successful and we stick with them, and why others start, stop, and ultimately fail.  

Having the two podcasts that we’ve run here at Castos to compare and contrast is a good case study in what to do, and what not to do, for us all. 

Matt’s take

It’s okay to give yourself the flexibility of a creative reset. Wiping the canvas clean is what we often need to produce our best work.

The more I podcast and create content on the internet, the more I identify with being a real artist — in the traditional sense. My little idea quickly becomes an outline on a scratch pad. Bullet points form into a scribbled story board in my head, turning into raw recorded audio or flicking the camera on record mode with no stops.

These raw materials enter into a grapple match of Idea vs. Edit, throwing from side to side like Sumo wrestlers in a doyho until a winner is declared — the final export. It’s an exhilarating and equally exhausting experience. We do it because we love our content and are supercharged by sharing it with the world.

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