Automatic Podcast Transcriptions

Spend time creating your podcast not transcribing it

Castos offers entirely free podcast transcripts, for every episode.

In 19 languages.

We’ve teamed up with the industry-leading text-to-voice technology provider to offer an entirely seamless transcription experience that is available to all of our Castos hosting customers.

Benefits of Podcast Transcriptions

Maximize SEO Impact

Share your content with a wider audience to increase your reach.

Improve Accessibility

Automatic republishing happens dynamically when you publish.

Zero Cost

At Castos, podcast transcription is entirely free.

Downloadable Files

Download PDF versions of your transcriptions to offer email subscribers.

How Does It Work?

All you need to do is head over to the Integrations section and enable automatic transcripts. This is done on a per-podcast basis and will apply to every episode within that podcast when you Save/Schedule/Publish an episode.

How much does podcast transcription cost?

Castos’ automated transcription service is entirely free. There is an allowance of 10 episode credits per month in the Essentials plan, 25 episodes in the Growth plan, and 100 episodes per month in the Pro plan.

Can I transcribe previous Castos podcasts?

Yes! In the episode details page for each episode you can trigger a transcription. This will count towards your episode allowance within each month.