
Grow your podcast through creating incredible content your listeners are looking for, and promoting your content like never before.

Recent Episodes

Becoming A Content Leader with Srini Rao

Being a content leader (as opposed to a follower and copying what everyone else is doing) is scary, especially for first-time podcasters. In Audience’s episode 5, we’re taking a closer …

podcast launch audience

Launch Day

In this episode of Audience, we cover the results of our launch day, talk about how we approached launching the podcast, and what some of the early analytics around the …

how to craft a podcast narrative

Crafting The Narrative

In this episode, we talk through what makes up a good story for your podcast, and why it’s an essential step in creating engaging and shareworthy content. These days creating …

Podcast Setup And Gear

Everyone’s favorite topic, and an important one here at the beginning of your podcasting journey is a podcast’s setup. If you’re new to recording high quality audio then sit down …

Why And For Whom We’re Podcasting

These two questions are so essential that we put them into this inaugural episode of Audience. If you don’t have a well thought out and defensible answer for: Why you’re …


In this episode we set the stage for the Audience podcast. Here we talk through why we’re doing this show, what it’s aim is, and who the podcast is for.  …