Run a Successful Podcast With 200 Listeners

After listening to a recent episode from Tim Ferriss with Seth Godin, we’ve been inspired. We’re often asked two questions at Castos. The first is, “how can I make my podcast better?” and a close second is, “how can I increase my episode downloads?” On the surface, they’re valid questions. But once you ask yourself why you want these things, the answers enter the grey area.

This week on Audience, we leave you with a question. What is the purpose of creating better episodes and getting more downloads?

As Seth Godin puts it, “the smallest viable audience is more attainable than ever before.” By creating a podcast for your smallest viable audience, you’re on the hook. Instead of shooting for thousands of downloads per episode, take a step back and ask if your current listeners are getting what they need.

Realign your podcasting expectations and feel comfortable with not creating the next Serial. Serve your listeners, no matter how many there are, and get clarity on what you want to achieve.

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